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Final Approach: Fundraising Ideas, CEO and Senior Leadership in Fundraising Landings

Plane landing
Landing that fundraising plane

More years ago then I care to remember, I was told by a mentor that fundraisers are like air traffic controllers. Now, whilst I know I most certainly don't have the capacity or the nerves of steel required of an air traffic controller, the metaphor is one I frequently draw upon when speaking with senior stakeholders in charities and education to emphasise the crucial part senior leaders play in the final stages of the fundraising process. 

As fundraisers, we guide donors, directing them towards the metaphorical runway where opportunities for impact await. However, there's a pivotal moment in this process that requires a different set of skills – the landing. This is where the invaluable role of CEOs and senior leaders comes into play and I hope this article will give you some fundraising ideas to consider.

Imagine a plane circling above, filled with potential donors eager to make a difference (or have their name on a wall or building, motives may vary). They've been guided meticulously, their interest piqued, and now they're ready to commit. But who will make the final ask? Who will bring the plane down safely to solid ground? Will it be a bumpy landing or a smooth and gentle glide to the runway?

This is where the CEO and senior leaders must be prepared to step in, taking on the responsibility of making the direct solicitation. They are the faces of the organisation, the ones whose vision and passion can truly inspire action. While fundraisers lay the groundwork, it's the CEO and senior leaders who have the authority and credibility to seal the deal.

We guide, we facilitate, but ultimately, it's not always us who need to "land" the plane. That final touch requires a level of leadership and influence that only CEOs and senior leaders can provide.

But why is their involvement so critical?

1. Authority and Credibility: CEOs and senior leaders hold a position of authority within the organisation. Their involvement in the fundraising process lends credibility to the cause. Donors are more likely to trust and respond positively to requests when they come directly from the top.

2. Personal Connection: The CEO and senior leaders often have a deeper understanding of the organisation's mission and impact. Their personal connection to the cause can be a powerful motivator for potential donors. Sharing personal anecdotes and stories can humanise the ask and make it more compelling.

3. Strategic Vision: Fundraising isn't just about meeting immediate financial goals; it's about advancing the organisation's long-term vision. CEOs and senior leaders bring strategic insight and foresight to the table, aligning fundraising efforts with broader organisational objectives.

4. Relationship Building: Successful fundraising is built on relationships. CEOs and senior leaders have the opportunity to cultivate meaningful connections with donors, fostering trust and loyalty over time. Their involvement can turn a one-time donation into a long-term partnership.

5. Lead by Example: When CEOs and senior leaders actively participate in fundraising efforts, they set a precedent for the entire organisation. It sends a powerful message that fundraising is a priority and that everyone has a role to play in achieving fundraising goals.

As fundraisers we play a vital role in guiding donors towards opportunities for impact but a direct approach from the very top of the organisation is what is called for, especially for major or principal gifts. 

However, experience has taught me that many senior leaders are still uncomfortable with fundraising. It is our job to ease them into the pilots the seat. They may never feel entirely at home, and some leaders are better at it than others. All we can do as professional fundraisers, is to prepare and coach them, ensuring that they are not thrown off course by the cross winds and turbulence that can accompany the final decent.

If we've done our jobs right, it is our senior leaders who ultimately have the authority and influence to close the deal and land that plane. Their involvement is not just beneficial; it's essential for the success of fundraising initiatives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the seat belt sign and you are now free to disembark.

Edward Romain

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