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Beating the Summer Slump: How Fundraisers Can Make the Most of the Season

Beating the Summer Slump

Summer can be a challenging time for fundraisers. With people away on holidays and a general shift in focus towards leisure activities, it’s no surprise that donations often see a decline during the warmer months. However, this period also presents a unique opportunity for organisations to regroup, strategise, and prepare for the busier fundraising seasons ahead. In this article, I’ll explore how to make the most of the summer lull, with actionable tips and strategies to help you stay productive and set your organisation up for success. 

Understanding the Summer Slump Statistics indicate a noticeable drop in fundraising during the summer months. According to a report by Blackbaud, charitable giving tends to be lower in the third quarter of the year (July to September) compared to other quarters. This trend can be attributed to various factors, including donors’ preoccupation with summer activities and the absence of major holidays that often drive giving. Using the Summer to Get Your House in Order. 

Rather than seeing the summer slump as a setback, consider it an opportunity to focus on internal improvements and strategic planning. Here are some ways to make the most of this time: 

1. Conduct a Data Audit 

Review your donor database to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Clean data is crucial for effective communication and segmentation. • Segment Your Donors: Use this time to analyse your donor base and segment it into categories such as major donors, recurring donors, and one-time donors. Understanding your donors’ giving patterns will help you tailor your future campaigns more effectively. 

2. Review and Refresh Your Marketing Materials 

Evaluate your current marketing and fundraising materials. Are they aligned with your brand and mission? Do they effectively communicate your message? 

• Update Your Website and Social Media: Ensure your online presence is engaging and up-to-date. Refresh your website content and optimise it for search engines to attract new visitors. 

3. Plan and Strategise for the Year Ahead 

Use the summer lull to develop comprehensive fundraising plans for the upcoming months. This includes setting clear goals, identifying key fundraising events, and mapping out your campaign calendar. 

• Set SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help you stay focused and track your progress effectively. 

4. Engage Your Donors Creatively 

Even though traditional fundraising might slow down, summer offers unique opportunities to engage your donors in creative ways. 

• Host Virtual Events: With many people still connecting online, consider hosting virtual events such as webinars, online auctions, or virtual tours of your facilities. 

• Summer-Themed Campaigns: Create campaigns that resonate with the season. For instance, a “Summer Challenge” where donors can participate in activities like fun runs or community clean-ups can keep your audience engaged. 

5. Invest in Professional Development 

Encourage your team to take advantage of the slower pace to enhance their skills and knowledge. 

• Attend Workshops and Webinars: There are many online resources available for fundraising professionals. Investing in training can help your team stay ahead of industry trends and implement new strategies. 

Case Studies: Success Stories 

Example 1: The Children’s Charity One children’s charity used the summer months to overhaul its donor engagement strategy. By segmenting their donor base and tailoring their communications, they saw a 15% increase in donor retention in the following year. Example 

2: The Environmental Organisation An environmental organisation took the summer to revamp its website and optimise its donation page. This resulted in a 25% increase in online donations during their year-end campaign. 


The summer slump doesn’t have to be a period of inactivity. By taking a proactive approach and focusing on internal improvements, strategic planning, and creative donor engagement, fundraisers can turn this typically slow season into a time of growth and preparation. Use the summer wisely, and you’ll be well-positioned to hit the ground running when the busier months arrive. Remember, the key to overcoming the summer slump is to see it not as a hindrance but as an opportunity. With the right strategies in place, you can ensure your organisation remains vibrant and effective year-round.

Edward Romain

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